Extract from newspapers and magazines (1998 to 2005) about the book In the Silence of the Heart:

1 – Is the book a romance?

Yes, It's a spiritual romance. The main character narrates some experiences that every one of us searches at certain points of our lives. There is a moment when one wants to know herself or himself better, as well as her or his world. The journey inwards is fascinating. One of searching material and spiritual values of an always changing Universe. We have to remember to keep the good humor and love for our rights and wrongs. These are the points of the main character.

2 – What led you to write books?

When I started writing I haven't thought of becoming a writer, and I think that I'm not one yet. Everything started with an internal and naïve unquietness. Since then, the compulsion of writing grew stronger with ideas and words just materializing on the paper. All of this has happened during my childhood in Peru, when I was nine years old, and the five years that followed. At that time I came across a person who changed dramatically my journey: Mr. Chang Lau, a sage from Chinatown who had and old and exotic warehouse.

3 – Please summarize your inner discovery of which you speak about at the book so many times.

I believe that it's not only my discovery, but it will be everyone's from the day we decide to see the world and our existence with a deeper vision of the Reality. We have to see both, the inner essence and the external form of the things. When we dominate these two concepts and fully live these two worlds (Material/Spirit) we'll acquire a fundamental capability to allow us to cross the Universe and go wherever we want. This capability is the equilibrium, and who reaches it is certainly closer to happiness.

4 – Please comment about your book. What does it represent to you?

People say that right before we die our whole life passes in front of our yes in a few seconds. So, I've been through this process without physically dying. This is the experience that the book In the Silence of the Heart gave me. When we die the spirit gains freedom, lucidness and consciousness - but this may not always be so and depends on how many illusions or bad things we are carrying with us to the other side. If we have the courage to see the past and the present, without fear of looking at the best and the worse in ourselves, we acquire these three harmonic properties of the spirit, where the balancing factor between the material and spiritual forces is the heart (Love). It's only after living all of this In the Silence of the Heart (his or her) that one will became a better person e will have accomplished another step of his or her evolution.
When I am asked to comment on the book, I usually quote the introduction where I mention it to be "a liar auto-biography and a true fiction". What I am trying to say is that the book is made for two kinds of people. To those who believe and are fond of the spiritual issues, that will find a close connection with the book. But also to the skeptics, that even not believing at all in the spiritual, will see it as a work of fiction, funny, involving, and impregnated of a wisdom which belongs to humanity. My inspiration comes always from "the ancients". Ancient masters and sages, ancient civilizations and ancient philosophies that have once been to the Earth and left their messages. On the ancient wisdoms lie the deepest truths of the men. And I belong to this part of humanity (the ones that have gained from this wisdom) since my apprenticeship will be sure eternal. I love to be a permanent disciple. Being a disciple is more interesting and funny than being a master, this is why most of the characters that I created are wise and funny at the same time. "Wisdom and good sense of humor must walk together for our spirits to be free", is what "El Coyote" would say (one of the characters of the trilogy The Skull that I've written).

5 – Why did you illustrate the book with your pictures and paintings?

I wanted the work to be more complete. The text and the paintings are loaded with material and spiritual inspiration.
The reproduction of the twenty one paintings that illustrate the twenty one chapters of the book are available in my website [this website]. I expect to have them in a special colorful edition one day.

6 – Painting is one of your leisure activities?

Yes. I would say painting and writing are my individual leisure activities. I believe that the creative processes are the most pleasurable and interactive activities one may have. To create words that become stories, to create colors that become paintings. But I also like what I call collective leisure activities, common to all of us people... like cinema (another of my passions), reading, watching the sunrise at the beach, dating a woman that I love... And, of course, pancakes. All the time and all kinds of pancakes... (laughs).

7 – What do you think about life and death?

Considering that death is not the end, and life is enduring in different plans of conscience and energy, I'd rather borrow some words from a really wise man called Confucius: "To know something about death is necessary knowing much more about life".

8 – The facts mentioned in the book really happened in Caxias do Sul? What does Caxias do Sul represent to you?

Yes, some facts have happened in Caxias do Sul. Caxias is a city with good aspects, but is still closed to new ideas, besides being elitist and quite snobbish. This is something that silently bothers me, since this attitude simply drives people away from each other. It makes people ugly... So, It doesn't matter all of the money of the world if your soul is still ugly, for there is no surgery for that yet... [laughs]. One day men will learn that at the time of the "big trip", everything that is superficial will stay in this material world. In your luggage one will just take conscience and feelings. Besides that, the food in Caxias do Sul is excellent... [laughs].

9 – "The past and the present come to meet in a reality of words that match". Tell us about this thought.

The events, the people, the energies, the ideas, the attitudes and the experiences that we somehow did not comprehend or accept always return in the present, as to see if we acquire a big comprehension about us, people and the world. When worlds encounter – past and present – they can complement each other, for that we will have a better future. But only the ones who have the courage to overcome their egos, vanities and silly prides will realize that. We have to free ourselves from old beliefs that are useless for our journey, otherwise our steps get heavier and we reach nowhere. I still haven't overcome all of my egos and limitations, but I think that I'm in a good way because it is getting always lighter, funnier and full of enthusiasm.

10 – In the chapter "Icaro's Dream", what's the feeling of seeing a unique fact in Nature? What does it represent to you?

In this chapter I talk about transcending the form and reaching the essence of things. Deepening our vision about the world and seeing that everything in the Universe is perfect, even if for the moment we don't understand this perfect order. At that time we should look at Nature like the oldest Taoist Chinese that have seen in her a perfect order, that teaches us: "We should always push the rock for where it wants to go". We have to flow with the Nature of things, the happenings, and the experiences. We can only be free to fly if we allow this invisible flow to take us.

11 – Talk about your book's launching?

It happened in November/1997, and the venue was Randon S.A. We also exhibited 21 pictures, and had a small cocktail. There were about 200 people, and I had the opportunity to engage in discussions about the themes of the book. It was a new experience, that gave me a lot of satisfaction.

12 – Is everything true at your book "In the Silence of the Heart"?

It's a true story, with 70% of real facts. The 30% of the story that was created gave a sequence for the happenings that started centuries ago, and the long time space the characters go through.

13 – Did you really live in Peru in your childhood, where the book starts?

Yes. It was there that I've started my walk with Mr. Chang Lau (a master of chinese traditions, and above all a friend). This is one of the reasons we have a "Photo Galery" in this website, to give faces to the characters that illustrate this journey. It's a book based on a true story.

14 – Is your book translated to another languages?

Yes. It's already translated into English and Spanish thanks to the excellent literary agent I have abroad, who is giving a special attention to my books, to be soon published in other countries.

15 – I've read the book and I've found it very interesting, even though I'm not acquainted with this philosophy. I've never engaged in activities related to the issues of the book, (mainly on "Astral Projection"), although I confess that I've enjoyed the most reading it. How can I reach other material about these issues?

All you need is entering a bookshop, a library or the Internet. You will find everything you need. This is the century of free information, so enjoy it! And if you would like to read specifically about Astral Projection, this is the website of a friend called Wagner Borges, one of the major researchers on the subject in Brazil: www.ippb.org.br.

16 – I've finished to read your book "In the Silence of the Heart" in one week. My opinion? Excellent!!! The book mentioned the things that I like the most: spirituality, self-knowledge, martial arts, and OBE (out-of-body experiences). I've actually devoured it and when finished my feeling was "I want more" [laughs]. I hope you already have another book coming!
I am recommending your book to my friends, part of a group that meets frequently to exchange ideas about spirituality.
People love it! I'd like to make a few questions, but as a start I want to know if you still experience projections, if you have constant contact with your spiritual guides and how are your spiritual practices nowadays.

Yes. I experience projections, it is a natural property inherent of human beings. Everyone can do it. Although we are not aware of every experience since that depends on our emotional condition right before we lay down. Regarding the spiritual guides from the extra-material plans, I keep in touch with most of the ones mentioned in the book, although some change according to the needs of the moment. Sometimes the projections happen to help disembodied and/or incarnated people, other times they are for "knowledge". We find true teachers and masters in the energetic domains, that contribute immensely to our evolution. There are also projection contacts from beings from other galaxies, who hold what can be called cosmoethics, an Universal ethic. The UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is their maximum. Every time I have a contact with one of these beings, I realize how my LOVE is limited an small if compared to theirs. And I see that I'm very late in this school comparing to my sidereal colleagues... [laughs].

17 – What is Jin Shin Jyutsu, which you mention in your webpage?

I'm referring to the time I used to work with Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ), and that helped me a lot until I could live only from writing. Today I accommodate JSJ consultations to some people that need and some friends, sporadically. Helping someone to abandon suffering is a great pleasure and a big apprenticeship. It is a Phisio-Philosophy that works the physical, mental, emotional and energetic aspects of a person. We could say that it is an art which uses all of the knowledges of acupuncture and meridians of energies, but without needles, using only the finger tips. It was created by a japanese called Giro Murai, before the World War I. He was a scholar that cured the Emperor of Japan at that time, who in return offered Giro Murai whatever he wanted. So he asked to have free access to the secret library of the imperial palace. After that, through intense researches based on the Kojiki (the book of old things) he created Jin Shin Jyutsu, which means "The man's walk for compassion, benevolence or longevity".
It's a technique that quickly harmonizes the body, the emotional, the mental and the energies of the man. I've worked for 10 years attending people with this technique, whether they could or not pay me. It alleviates their suffering, and lack of money cannot be an obstacle for that. An old philosophy says: "Love is about wanting to see everybody happy. Compassion is wanting to see nobody suffering".

18 – Do you still practice Martial Arts with the same master that you say in the book?

For someone who works with energies to reach the essence of all of things is the big goal. Getting into the essence (The Energy) of Martial Arts is a big discovery, requiring discipline and the patience. Unfortunately in Brazil and in several other countries, due to consumption of fast things, it is difficult to find a good teacher of martial arts. Most know the form, but little of the essence. They over-practice the violence and little the philosophy. Nowadays I practice and I'm only teaching Tai-Chi-Chuan and Chi-Kung. I've stopped the trainings a long time ago. Today I'm focused on internal martial arts (the art of winning our internal devils).

19 – Talk about martial masters extra-physics?

They are an egregore that has the noble function of preserving the knowledge in astral locations, specially about the Egyptians, the Mayas, the Atlantis. There are also places that preserve martial arts and I am sometimes taken to one of them by some of these beings (that I mention in my book) to practice not only martial arts, but some methods of healing and energetic balance. One of these places is in Japan, at Yamabushi mountain (Montain Warriors) and the other one is in China, at Wu Dan Mountains (physic and extra-physic refugee of several temples for practicing martial arts).
In old orient, in Buddhist temples, taoists and shintoists, monks who practiced martial arts had as part of their curriculum to learn philosophy, music, painting, work with community, phytotherapy and oriental medicine. A chinese monk told me once that if you appreciate the beauty of things and learn how to fix a broken bone, in a villa that does not have financial conditions to use the modern methods of medicine you will never misuse the martial art you are learning - since if you know the pain of the others, you will never be an agent who causes pain. Martial Art is a defense method, not an attack one. It is about winning our internal devils and not our fellows. It is about winning our imperfections and limitations, and the one who does that is called in the orient a "martial warrior". The one who uses this wisdom to help the others is called a "master".

20 – You didn't speak further on the book about the Chinese Master from Peru. Have you seen him again? Have you got in touch wit him? Have you had any projections in his presence? I got very curious to know if there had been contact between you and him.

About Mr. Lau, he is now in an extra-physic temple at the Yamabushi mountain at Japan, and sometimes I meet him there to continue learning. He is not in matter anymore, but he still alive more than never. The meaning of the word Yamabushi sais everything that Mr. Lau is doing there: Yama (Mountain), Bushi (Warrior). He is a mountain warrior, but he practices peace and not war.

21 – Your book contains various passages and scenes where characters have deep contact and inspiration from Nature. Please comment about this admiration.

Yes, to be in contact with the Nature is one of my passions. I am not an urban being. I am for wide spaces and freedom, not only for the body, but mainly for the mind. I believe the only urban characteristic that I allow free access to my urban life is technology. Every big city is suffocating, claustrophobic, and this ends up reflecting on people as well (who are a projection of their environment). I am a silent ecologist, that praises all means to save the planet and bring men closer to Nature.
Since I have always been connected with the oriental culture, I am fond of the taoist philosophy that "men will only find harmony observing and being in contact with Nature". When we speak about the ecology of the planet, we are trying to promote change from the outside to the inside - what is an palliative attitude, for short-term solutions for the harm that men has already caused to the planet (the work of NGOs, environmental organisations, global policies for environmental responsibility, etc.)
I believe the main ecology, the one that will cause efective changes to the planet, is the "Internal Ecology", or the "Conscience Ecology". That is, to clean the mental and emotional garbage that human beings carry, instead of throwing it at another beings. A change from inside-out, that's what we need. One that respects her or his inner world will know how to respect the outer world. Only when men finds out the divinity that exists within s/he will be see divinity outside, in the planet. We are very disrespectful to the God within us, and with the God outside us. In every book of mine you'll find characters that portray this divine union with the Earth. They are happy characters, in permanent union with their divinity and with the Nature. As once said an ancient Inka that I know: "if I tell them about the things of the Earth and they do not understand me, what if I try to talk about the things of the Heavens... how can I tell them about God, if they do not understand the creation?"
All beings form our ecosystem are divine and all have the same value. Earth is an alive and intelligent entity, that human beings have been disrespecting - not only with attitudes but mainly with feelings and emotions. We do not have time anymore